Otoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct deformities of the ears, which can be very varied, from the total absence of the ear (anotia) or small and underdeveloped ear (microtia) to simply an exaggerated projection of the ear due to the absence of the helix or antihelix.

What happens during the operation?

Otoplasty basically consists in remodelling the ear in a natural way. It is done with the use of small instruments, which allow us to scrape the cartilage, so that we can bend it to our convenience. The excess skin is removed from the back of the ear and the sutures are made in the groove formed at the junction of the ear with the head, which will hide the scar.

The surgeon will take a full clinical history paying attention to the possibility of congenital or hereditary malformations in other organs and any medication that the patient may be taking. The surgeon will then examine the ears and will determine precisely the procedure required to produce a pleasing appearance.

Operation and post-operative care

The operation lasts about 30 minutes, but in complex cases can extend to one hour. It is done under local anaesthesia, although this also depends on the patient.

The surgery can be done in two ways. In the first the surgeon will make the incision behind the ear in the fold where the head and ear are connected and the scar is hardly noticed. After that the excess skin or cartilage is removed. Finally the surgeon applies the sutures to keep the ear in place whilst it heals and the dressings to protect the ear from infection. The second alternatives consists in making the incision in the same way, removing the excess skin and then use the final stitches to bend the cartilage backwards and remodel its shape without removing any tissue.

When the operation is finished, small cotton cushions are applied together with an elastic bandage, which can be periodically lifted to check progress. After 7 days the bandage can be removed so that only a protector is necessary during sleep. In the majority of the cases the scar develops in the back of the ear, which is not visible and will disappear in time. When there is only one prominent ear the procedure can be carried out on that side only.

Some patients can experience a little swelling that lasts a few weeks.

How long does recovery take?

Adults can return to their normal life in less than 7 days, as the scar is hidden behind the ear. The ear itself recovers its normal appearance in 2 to 3 weeks.

There is very little risk involved in otoplasty carries as it is performed under local anaesthesia and does not interfere with the patient’s hearing.

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